Dec 22, 2020
Chris, Lisa and Phil talk about High 5's ACCT certification process including how to prepare, why you might want a certification, what the process looks like, and common pitfalls we see as examiners. Chris also introduces the concept of Education - Preparation - Illumination - Certification.
Dec 8, 2020
In this episode, Phil and Jim are joined by Adam Ames (Type A) to discuss his experience being trained by Jim, the impact it had on him and the visual art piece that resulted from their experiences.
Check out Type A's Team building (Align) here -
Nov 24, 2020
Lisa and Phil discuss the concept of Risk Homeostasis Theory and how it presents itself in adventure programming and challenge course operations.
Books referenced in this episode are:
Target Risk by Gerald J. S. Wilde - download a free digital copy here:
The Checklist Manifesto...
Nov 10, 2020
Sherry Bagley (AEE Executive Director) discusses her journey to leading AEE, all of the great ways to volunteer for the organization and the future of experiential education.
The upcoming AEE International Virtual Conference info can be found here:
Oct 27, 2020
Chris, Lisa and Phil discuss a concept that is a large part of High 5 trainings and also features in some of our books; The Thinking Practitioner. It can be applied to both challenge course operation as well as adventure activities and leads to more confident and competent practitioners.