Jun 29, 2021
Phil joins Phil to discuss qualities that he admires in leaders, why Soccer is truly the "beautiful game" and how it models leadership and life lessons.
Phil is the co-host of the How Soccer Explains Leadership podcast and you can find it anywhere podcasts are found as well as their website -...
Jun 22, 2021
Jan Keck joins Phil to discuss how he was introduced to the world of Experiential Learning, what he has learned over the last year about virtual facilitation and how to ask deep and meaningful questions.
Learn more about Jan - jankeck.com
Jun 15, 2021
In this episode aimed answering your questions, Phil read out some of the podcast reviews and answered the following questions;
- Is there room for introverts in facilitation?
- How do you stay genuine in a "performancy" profession?
- What is your favorite icebreaker question?
- Best closing to a single day program?
Jun 8, 2021
In this episode, guests David Christian PhD (Assistant Professor of Counselor Education, University of Arkansas) and Danny McCarty PhD (Assistant Professor of Clinical Mental Health Counseling, University of South Alabama) discuss;
- Adventure Therapy
- Adlerian Theory
- Their article - "Using an Adventure Therapy...
Jun 1, 2021
This was a live audience episode recorded for the 2021 Virtual BOOST (Best of out-of-school time) Conference. Phil was joined by High 5 Trainer Rich Keegan, Justin McGlamery who is founder and Chief Locus Focuser for Focus Your Locus Teambuilding Training and Development and also Chris Ortiz, the Program Director for...