Jul 26, 2022
Summer Camp Training season recently wrapped up for our training team.
In this episode, Phil shares his 5 big takeaways.
- Practice makes progress
- Belay stance is so important
- Lighter belayer/heavier climber
- Prior knowledge isn't always a good thing
- Where is the gear?
Link to Tinker...
Jul 19, 2022
Do we adequately prepare our participants for struggle and frustration on the ropes course?
It's a challenge course, not a success course, after all.
In this episode, Phil, Lisa and Rich talk about facilitating struggle, share stories of struggle and give some activity ideas that you can use with your next...
Jul 12, 2022
Parachute Cords (aka P-cords) are an essential feature of a ropes course, as they are what you use to set your ropes up and take them down at the end of the day.
They can also be the MOST ANNOYING part of facilitating on a course as they can get tangled in everything they touch, and can also be the reason for having to...
Jul 5, 2022
As a full-time adventure education trainer, travel is a part of the work.
Traveling can be full of great experiences but it also features a lot of time in cars and hotels.
In this episode, Phil details 2 of those car/hotel experiences and also shares a recent mistake and reminder that he had during this summer travel...